Tuesday 6 March 2012

Yippee!! Papers have arrived and more goodies on the way.....

OMG!! The new Graphic 45 papers have arrived and they are out of this world!! I will put up a couple of piccies later. I also have on the way loads of new Prima stash from the 'Almanac' collection...........
Have to dash now as off to see my scrappy pals for a couple of hours. More ramblings to follow!
Elise xx

Monday 27 February 2012

I'm so happy!!!!

I'm so happy, I could burst!!

One of my favourite companys is Graphic 45 and having watched video clips from the recent CHA, I fell in love with 'The olde curiosity shoppe' line. I managed to buy all 3 stamp sets from the US very reasonably, but no paper :(

Anyway, I have just found it in stock in the UK at a wonderful shop I use Called 'Art from the Heart'.

It is now on it's way to me , I am so excited, I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas, all I need is a couple of days off work to play with it,lol!

Sunday 26 February 2012

My first comment!!

Yippee!! I got my first comment, thank you Olga!

 This is just a quick post before I go to bed, work again tomorrow :( 

Due to various reasons, mainly because I need help from my eldest daughter to film and upload onto my youtube channel ( coz I missed out when they were handing out IT skills), I have been off air for almost 4 months (where does the time go?) Anyway, Since posting 2 new videos I have been delighted with the positive responses I have received. People are so kind to take the time to watch and comment!

I have had loads of requests to put up new tutorials, which is very flattering, so I will have to sort myself out and get cracking,lol! Will have to wait for a couple of weeks as I am just finishing off doing all the wedding invitations for a close friend ( I love her, but never again!!) and I am also finishing off a module at Uni including a written assignment :( So add that to full time work plus the family.......you get the picture!
Next task....figuring out how to put pictures on here!!

take care and keep creating

Elise xx

Saturday 25 February 2012

I did it!!

Wow! I finally figured out how to do this, didn't realise it was so easy, lol!

I am so excited at finally being able to share my joys and frustrations of a crafty nature, with likeminded people who just know what I am going on about! Crafting/creating can sometimes be quite solitary. How often have you started talking reverently/passionately/or just plain swooning about a new product or paperline that you have just got to have, in non crafting company, only to be met with polite smiles or "oh really, that sounds nice". When really they are thinking to themselves "what on earth is she talking about?" or " Sad woman, it's only paper" !!

I also hope to be able to use this space to allow people to get to know 'me' a little bit better, I am by nature quite a private person but, without boring you all, I want you to get a feel for the person behind the blog and the youtube channel!!

Take care,

Elise xx